https://doi.org/10.30837/1563-0064.4(79).2017.152298Ключевые слова:
System-C, VHDL, Verilog, киберсистема, синтезАннотация
Обобщаются исследования, связанные с мультиверсным параллельным синтезом цифровых структур на основе SystemC спецификации, цель которого – существенное уменьшение времени проектирования вычислительных архитектур и повышение качества цифровых изделий.
Библиографические ссылки
Hahanov V., Yemelyanov I., Obrizan V., Hahanov V. “Quantum” Diagnosis and Simulation of SoC // Proceedings of XIth Intern. Conf. MEMSTECH. 2015. P. 58-60.
Vladimir Obrizan, Igor Yemelyanov, Vladimir Hahanov, Eugeniya Litvinova. Matrix-Model for Diagnosing SoC HDL-Code // Radioelektroniks and informatics. 2013. №1. Р.12-19.
Hahanova, I.V.; Obrizan, V.; Adamov, A.; Shcherbin, D. Transaction level model of embedded processor for vector-logical analysis //, 2013 East-West Design & Test Symposium, pp.1-4, 27-30 Sept. 2013.
Obrizan, V. A method for automatic generation of an RTL interface from a C++ description // East-West Design & Test Symposium (EWDTS). 17-20 Sept. 2010. pp. 186-189.
Volodymyr Obrizan. A Method of High-Level Synthesis and Verification with SystemC Language // Радиоэлектроника и информатика. 2010. №4.
Technologies for hardware simulation and verification / V. Hahanov, А. Hahanova, V. Obrizan, К. Zaharov // Proc. of the International Conference Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science – TCSET’2008, February 19–23. Slavske, Lviv, Ukraine. 2008. P. 560–564.
Testing challenges of SoC hardware-software components / V. Hahanov, V. Obrizan, S. Miroshnichenko, А. Gorobets // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design and Test International Symposium, October 9–12, 2008. Lviv, Ukraine. Р. 149–154
Hardware Simulation and Verification Technologies / V. Hahanov, А. Hahanova, V. Obrizan, W. Ghribi // Proceedings of IEEE East-West Design and Test Symposium, September 7–10, 2007, Yerevan, Armenia. Р. 739–744.
Parallel Logic Simulation Using Multi-Core Workstations / V. Hahanov, V. Obrizan, А. Gavrushenko, S. Mikhtonyuk // The Experience оf Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics: рroceedings of the 9th International Conference, February 19–24, 2007, Polyana, Ukraine. Lviv, 2007. P. 256–257.
Hierarchical Testing of Complex Digital Systems / V. Hahanov, V. Obrizan, V. Yeliseev, W. Ghribi // Proc. Of the Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science – TCSET’2006. February 28 – March 4, 2006, Slavske, Lviv, Ukraine. Lviv, 2006. P. 426–429.
Обризан В.И. Инфраструктура проектирования SOC для метода мультиверсного синтеза / В.И. Обризан // Радиоэлектроника и информатика. 2016. №2. С. 48-60.
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